Information about mountain hotels in Tryavna, guest houses, villas, chalets and other types of accommodation in Tryavna. Details about the services and facilities on offer, photos, descriptions of rooms and apartments - types, rates, number and furnishing. Addresses and exact location maps, telephones, contact forms/reservations and websites of the hotels in Tryavna. Rates, special offers, seasonal offers and discounts. Information about the landmarks in Tryavna - churches, monasteries, Bulgarian Revival architecture, monuments, natural reserves and phenomena. Descriptions of the opportunities for mountain and eco tourism in Tryavna. Detailed information about Hotel Seasons.
Guest House Maya Location: Tryavna municipality, 5351 Bangeytsi
Approximate distance: 3.6 km, direction: south-west
more information Yovchovata House Location: Tryavna municipality, Plachkovtsi
Address: Neykovtsi
Approximate distance: 5.4 km, direction: south
more information Park Hotel Dryanovo Location: Dryanovo municipality, 5370 Dryanovo
Address: Stadiona Square
Approximate distance: 11.9 km, direction: north
more information Guest House Milkana Location: Gabrovo municipality, 5300 Gabrovo
Address: 58 Stefana Bogdan Gencheva Street
Approximate distance: 13.3 km, direction: west
more information Museum of Asian and African Art
Approximate distance: 0.1 km, direction: north
Raykovata House Museum
Approximate distance: 0.1 km, direction: south-west
St Archangel Michael Church
Approximate distance: 0.2 km, direction: south-west
The Old School Museum
Approximate distance: 0.2 km, direction: south-west
Angel Kanchev House Museum
Approximate distance: 0.2 km, direction: north-east
Clock Tower and Medieval Square
Approximate distance: 0.2 km, direction: south-west
Popangelovata House Museum
Approximate distance: 0.3 km, direction: east
Slaveykovata House Museum
Approximate distance: 0.5 km, direction: south-west
Kachaunskata Mahala
Approximate distance: 0.5 km, direction: south
Museum of the Wood Carving and Ethnographic Art Daskalovta House
Address: 27A P. R. Slaveykov Street
Approximate distance: 0.5 km, direction: south-west
St George Church
Approximate distance: 0.6 km, direction: north-east
Tryavna Art School Museum
Approximate distance: 0.8 km, direction: west
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 2.2 km, direction: north-east (azimuth: 25°)
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 2.3 km, direction: north-west (azimuth: 308°)
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 2.4 km, direction: west (azimuth: 282°)
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 2.8 km, direction: north (azimuth: 14°)
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 2.9 km, direction: south-east (azimuth: 152°)
Gabrovo province, Tryavna municipality
Approximate distance: 3.1 km, direction: north-west (azimuth: 336°)