
Hotels in Leshten

Information about hotels, apartments, guest houses, private rooms, bed & breakfast and other types of accommodation in Leshten. Direct contact with hotels in Leshten - phone numbers, contact forms, links to the official websites of the hotels. Photo galleries, detailed descriptions, information about rooms and rates. List of amenities and services offered at the hotels. Location maps with exact location of each hotel in Leshten. Information about special weekend rates and seasonal offers. Leshten hotels. Detailed information about Hotel Leshten.
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Hotel LeshtenHotel Leshten 
Phone: +359 894 553151
Website: http://www.hotelleshten.com
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Hotel Leshten is a picturesque holiday complex with splendid location at the very beginning of the village of Leshten. The area is exceptionally beautiful and offers breath-taking views of the Rhodope mountains. Here every guest will discover hospitable atmosphere, cosiness and tranquillity, coupled with various amenities and quality service as a guarantee for complete relaxation in every season, while the glorious nature and the numerous interesting attractions nearby definitely complement the pleasant sojourn of every guest.
Places of interest and sights in and nearLeshten
Architectural Reserve Leshten
Approximate distance: 0.0 km, direction: east
Nicopolis ad Nestum
Address: Marcho Chiflik and Hisarlaka Locality
Approximate distance: 4.4 km, direction: south
Architectural Reserve Kovachevitsa
Approximate distance: 5.3 km, direction: north
Thracian Sanctuary Gradishteto
Approximate distance: 8.7 km, direction: south-east
Megalith Sanctuary Selanov Buk
Approximate distance: 10.4 km, direction: north
Thracian Sanctuary Skribina
Approximate distance: 10.5 km, direction: south-east
Nevrokop Holy Bishopric of the BOC
Approximate distance: 10.8 km, direction: south-west
Assumption of the Theotokos Church
Approximate distance: 11.0 km, direction: south-west
Municipal Museum of History
Address: 26 Hristo Botev Street
Approximate distance: 11.1 km, direction: south-west
Momina Klisura Gorge
Approximate distance: 11.3 km, direction: north-west
St Archangel Michael Church
Approximate distance: 11.5 km, direction: south-west
Thracian Megalith Sanctuary Ali Alan
Approximate distance: 11.6 km, direction: north
Other locations nearLeshten
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 4.2 km, direction: south-west (azimuth: 220°)
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 4.4 km, direction: south-west (azimuth: 231°)
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 4.8 km, direction: south (azimuth: 201°)
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 5.0 km, direction: west (azimuth: 259°)
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 5.4 km, direction: north (azimuth: 358°)
Dolno Dryanovo
Blagoevgrad province, Garmen municipality
Approximate distance: 7.9 km, direction: south-east (azimuth: 134°)